Coachee Management

A closely similar view to the Coach List, the Coachee List displays the coachees within your enterprise account. Unlike the Coach List, the Coachee List does not require a vacant seat to be populated. You have the flexibility to add as many coachees as needed and assign them to coaches within your enterprise account.


Adding a new Coachee

  1. Click the New button found at the upper right side of the list.
  2. Click "Add new coachee"
  3. Provide the coachee's first name, last name and email address, then click Submit.
  4. The newly added coachee now will appear in the coachee list. Click the Options button beside the newly added coachee, then click Send Invititation.
  5. After sending invitation, the coachee will receive an email with the link to get started and setup their coachee account in Coaching Loft.
  6. Done

Adding coaches in bulk (Optional):

  1. Click the New button found at the upper right side of the list.
  2. Click "Bulk upload coachee"
  3. You can use this file template to add the list of coachees you would want to be uploaded in your enterprise account.
  4. Upload the CSV file once created. You will be able to see the data that were extracted from the file.

  5. Click Proceed to finish up the upload.
  6. Done



Coachee Profile Summary

Upon clicking on a coachee in your coachee list, you will be directed to a page where you can access a comprehensive report and statistics detailing the activities occurring within the coachee's account.

The following information are displayed in the coachee's profile summary:

  • About
  • Coaching Sessions
  • Stats
  • Upcoming Sessions
  • Session Logs


Assigning Coaches

In the same coachee profile summary view, there's a tab navigation button called "Coaches", click the navigation tab to view the assigned coaches related to the coachee.

To assign a coach:

  1. Click the Assign button
  2. Search for the coach's name and tick the checkbox.
  3. You can select multiple coaches if needed.
  4. Click Assign.
  5. An email notification will be sent to the coach and coachee informing them about the assignment process.
  6. Done



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