Video Call Recording

Updated Nov. 23, 2023 by Support

To enable video call recording, you must allow and share your screen to let Coaching Loft record the specific page or tab where you are conducting the video call with your coachee.

*Note: Allowing to "Share your screen" doesn't broadcast your call session or stream to anyone. Coaching loft uses it only to get permission to record the screen, page or tab of your choice.


Video call recording can be only executed by the host on a desktop/laptop browser. Each browser has a different kind of approach on getting your permission to execute the process.



Chrome Browser

Chrome Tab

  1. From the Record Session popup, click Start recording.

  2. The Share your screen popup will appear, click Chrome Tab.

  3. Find and select Coaching Loft - Video Call.

  4. Tick/check the Share audio checkbox at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click the Share button to start the recording.


Microsoft Edge

Microsoft edge tab

  1. From the Record Session popup, click Start recording.

  2. The Share your screen popup will appear, 

    click Microsoft Edge Tab.

  3. Find and select Coaching Loft - Video Call.

  4. Tick/check the Share audio checkbox at the bottom of the popup.

  5. Click the Share button to start the recording.


Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox Window Sharing
  1. From the Record Session popup, click Start recording.
  2. The permission popup will appear at the top of your browser, find and select Coaching Loft - Video Call - Mozilla Firefox.
  3. Click Allow to start the recording.
  • Not Supported. At the time of writing, Safari browser still doesn't fully support media recording.


Download Video Recording

Once your video call session is done, the video recording download link will be immediately available on the next page after you and your coachee drop the call. You must download the file before closing the window as the platform will delete the recording once you close the meeting room.


The video call recording feature is only accessible to coach accounts with paid membership levels, visit the Membership Levels page.




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