Coach Pool and Matching Process

Implement an alternative managed process where your coachees select a coach from a coach pool that you created.

To make a better understading, coach pools are essentially lists of coaches that you compile and present to coachees, allowing them to schedule discovery sessions with their preferred coach. This enables coachees to make informed decisions about which coach best suits their needs.


Creating a coach pool

  1. Click the Create button at the top right side of the panel.
  2. Select the coaches you wish to appear in the list.
  3. Provide a Coach Pool name and description then click Next.
  4. You can either skip or assign the newly created coach pool to an authenticated user.
  5. Done


Starting a Matching Process

After you created your coach pool, you can start a matching process which essentially makes the coach pool appear in the coachees' account/portal.

To start a matching process:

  1. Click the coach pool you wish to use in the matching process.
  2. At the top right side of the coach pool window, you will the Matching Process button.
  3. Click the Matching Process button
  4. Select a coachee you'd like to want to start the matching process with.
  5. Click Start Matching Process then click Yes
  6. An email notification will be sent to the coachee regarding the newly started matching process.
  7. Done


What happens next?

In the coachee's account, they will notice a new section in their dashboard. Here, they can select a coach to schedule a discovery session with and determine whether they wish to proceed with the chosen coach after the session. This marks the conclusion of the matching process.

You can view the existing matching processes and manage them in the Matching Process list.





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