Membership Downgrade/Subscription Cancellation

Updated Nov. 23, 2023 by Support

To cancel your current membership subscription:

  1. Login to your Coaching Loft Account.
  2. Click your profile picture found at the topmost right side of your browser, a dropdown menu will pop up, click Subscription, or alternatively go to our pricing page.
  3. Click the Cancel Subscription button at the bottom of the page.
  4. Downgrade coming from a 14-day trial membership:
    Simply input your password to proceed with the downgrade process. Upon submitting the form, your account will be downgraded and your billing information will automatically be removed from your account and the system.
  5. Downgrade coming from Basic/Core/Premium/Master Membership:
    You will be prompted to answer the Downgrade Request form

    Membership Downgrade

    Answer the downgrade request form and submit it to send us a downgrade request ticket. The system will send the downgrade link to your email address.

  6. Click the downgrade link from your email address to complete the downgrade process.


Note: Downgrading may cause you to deactivate some of your coachees if your target membership level doesn't have enough slots to accommodate all of the coachees that are currently in your coachee list. Their records and/or accounts will be inaccessible to your coach account for 6 months.
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