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Executive Coach

Scott Couchenour

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USD 175.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach

United States

14 yrs of experience

I help my clients leverage disruption for their advantage using a 5-step process....
Executive Coach

Sebastien Vaneberg

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CHF 200.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
+2 more


Professional coach and trainer with engineering background and 10 years experience in IT and industrial/production environement. My last professional experience was as a Sales & Product Manager, managing a team of 6 ...

shahed jallad

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Sales Coach


3 yrs of experience

Believe that your look shows your identity inside out ,choose it well ,wear it better .  ...
Executive Coach

Sharanya Rao

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Executive Coach
Career Coach

United States

I am a creative powerhouse who awakens clarity and transformation in my clients.Coaching is my passion, purpose and calling. As a professional career and leadership coach, I am committed to bringing positive, sustaining ...
Life Coach

Sharath Babu

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Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
Health & Wellness Coach


6 yrs of experience

Life Coach

Shaun Eaves

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Life Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
+5 more

United States

8 yrs of experience

When I decided to get serious about reaching my full potential and becoming the absolute best version of myself I didn’t know where to start. What is my true passion? What is my purpose? I realized I had to start w...
Life Coach

Shay Michelle

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AUD 250.00 /hour
Life Coach
Career Coach
Health & Wellness Coach


2 yrs of experience

Life Design Coaching:Life coaches&nbsp work with our clients to help you achieve goals, overcome obstacles and make changes or shifts in your lives. Coaches&nbsp do not counsel or analyse the past. Life...
Executive Coach

shayraz khan

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Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
+7 more


BECOME RELENTLESS FROM GOOD TO GREAT TO UNSTOPPABLE Without needing years of coaching or counselling, Mr. Khan assists professionals, executives, real estate agents and business owners in overcoming obstacles ...
Life Coach

Shruti Shah

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Life Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
Youth Coach
+2 more


4 yrs of experience

Executive Coach

Simon Template

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USD 2,450.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach

United States

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney ...
Life Coach

Simone Della Chiesa

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GBP 80.00 /hour
Life Coach

United Kingdom

2 yrs of experience

Simone helps people live more fulfilling and happier lives, by guiding them in raising their consciousness, transforming their thinking, expanding their perspective, gaining focus, and connecting deeper with themselves. ...
Executive Coach

Sloan Canaday

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USD 220.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach

United States

5 yrs of experience

As an experienced leader with over 20 years of professional experience helping organizations enhance their operations, I work with you to achieve results that are important to your success. I trust that the answers, solu...
Life Coach

Sophie Clement

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USD 150.00 /hour
Life Coach
Relationship Coach
Health & Wellness Coach

United States

3 yrs of experience

I'm naturally enthousiastic and determined to transform people's life by guiding and supporting them in order to reach their higher potential. I've often been asked what I like the most in coaching. Even if there are man...
Executive Coach


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EUR 250.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
+5 more


I empower people to uncover their gifts and build authentic, meaningful lives & businesses through a process of self-discovery and introspection.     ...
Life Coach

Stacy Laine

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Life Coach
Health & Wellness Coach

United States

Hi my name is Stacy, pleased to meet you! As a goal-setter, go-getter, and badass self-esteem and confidence coach, I am here to help you live the life you want and deserve.  Real change comes from within. If y...
Health & Wellness Coach

Stephen Cotterill

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GBP 35.00 /hour
Health & Wellness Coach
Teenage Coach

United Kingdom

Hi, my name is Stephen Cotterill and I am looking to become a badminton coach. I am 16 years old and have just finished school because of coronavirus. In school, I didn't do very well and therefore don't have much option...
Executive Coach

Steve Wu

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Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
Performance Coach
+3 more

Hong Kong

2 yrs of experience

Executive Coach

Stew Berman

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USD 185.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
+1 more

United States

22 yrs of experience

Executive Coach

Stewart Pollard

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Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach


5 yrs of experience

A Professional Certified Coach, Speaker, Senior Change Leader (ProSci certified, CCMP), Facilitator, and Trainer with specialization in leadership effectiveness, process improvement, organizational change management and ...
Life Coach

Stuart Harth

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GBP 95.00 /hour
Life Coach
Performance Coach
People Coach
+1 more

United Kingdom

14 yrs of experience

I have spent my professional life pursuing the source of performance and excellence in order to pass it on to those around me, whether it is in the field of leadership, business, personal and group interactions or within...