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Years of experience

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Executive Coach

Lorri Economy

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USD 75.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
+3 more

United States

3 yrs of experience

I believe living life whole-heartily has the power to transform lives by empowering the soul to thrive and shine brightly out to the world. I believe we all have a light to shine and share with the world and it is our ...
Executive Coach


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Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach

United States

30 yrs of experience

Dr. Louise Korver brings to her work with senior executives and their teams experience across 30 years in progressive leadership roles at large, global companies, including AT&T, Bank of America, and EMC. She coaches...
Business Coach

Lucas Barra

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Business Coach
Life Coach
Performance Coach
Sales Coach
+1 more

United States

I use a customized coaching approach to help you with accomplishing your business and life goals. I use this approach based on 6.5 years of experience where I have seen clients get stopped from accomplishing their goals ...
Executive Coach

Luis Fernandez

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EUR 100.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Career Coach


8 yrs of experience

Trabajo acompañando a mujeres profesionales que quieren empoderarse y prosperar. Les ayudo a tomar decisiones con confianza, a manejar el estrés, a mejorar las relaciones con su entorno y a sacar ...
Life Coach

Luz Maria Rebolleda

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USD 125.00 /hour
Life Coach
Relationship Coach
Performance Coach
Health & Wellness Coach
+3 more

United States

1 yr of experience

A little bit about me…  I love coaching and the more I continue to practice it, the more I love it.    It's another way of living, and another way to exist in this planet earth.    I ...
Life Coach

Lynn Sharpy

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Life Coach
Relationship Coach

United States

1 yr of experience

Executive Coach

lynnea brinkerhoff

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USD 360.00 /hour
Executive Coach

United States

20 yrs of experience

Executive Coach

Lysandro Inacio

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EUR 70.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach

Netherlands Antilles

10 yrs of experience

Lysandro is an experienced entrepreneur, business adviser, guest lecturer,  coach and mentor. He is a creative thinker with strong sense for turning problems into opportunities. He understands the power of interdepe...
Health & Wellness Coach

Mafalda Lima

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EUR 25.00 /hour
Health & Wellness Coach


Executive Coach

Mahmoud Kassem

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Executive Coach
Performance Coach


3 yrs of experience

An executive coach with more than twenty-two years of experience in leadership, strategy, and management affairs with both national/international organizations. My unique specialization is leadership coaching helping lea...
Executive Coach

Malgorzata Sztejter

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EUR 300.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach


5 yrs of experience

Experienced accredited (EMCC EIA Senior Practitioner) executive & team coach and mentor.  Executive Coaching Practitioner by Academy of Executive Coaching, UK. Certified PRISM BrainMapping consultant.  Cert...
Executive Coach

Mamed Orujov

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AZN 100.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Performance Coach
+3 more


17 yrs of experience

Мои клиенты знают ответы на вопросы с которыми обращаются ко мне. В рамках коучинга моя цель помочь увидеть задачу с поз�...
Executive Coach

Manuel Peixoto

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EUR 125.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Performance Coach
Sales Coach
+2 more


12 yrs of experience

Life Coach

Marcelo Costa

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4.99 EUR 50.00 /hour
Life Coach
Career Coach
Relationship Coach
+4 more

Porto, Porto, Portugal

2 yrs of experience

Life Coach & PNLSessões 1:1 ajudo-te a criar hábitos, lidar com ansiedade, autoestima, propósito e relacionamentos. Reprograma-te!...
Executive Coach

Marcelo Piredda

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Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
+10 more


2 yrs of experience

Mentor especialista en negociación, acompaña a emprendedores y ejecutivos a reinventarse y diseñar su marca personal. Llevo más de 25 años en ventas, desde mayoristas hasta un consumido...
Life Coach

Marcia Gigante

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EUR 55.00 /hour
Life Coach
People Coach
Youth Coach
Teenage Coach
+3 more


I love people, and I love to know and connect people from all over the world. I consider myself an International HUB.Guiding and working with children, adolescents and adults to help them make their walk-path more balanc...
Executive Coach

Marcos Contreras Bastidas

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Executive Coach
Business Coach
Relationship Coach
+1 more


2 yrs of experience

Executive Coach

Maribel Estrada

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DKK 500.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Business Coach
Life Coach
Health & Wellness Coach


1 yr of experience

Our reality is created by our beliefs. I will help you break through your old barriers and develop new practices so you can reach your desired goals. Life is more than just pain and unhappiness.  I am trained and ce...
Executive Coach

Marina Puigvert

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EUR 85.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Life Coach


My areas of expertise are coaching supporting executive and life issues such as building relationships, self-esteem, safe boundaries, assertive communication and leadership. Also expert on Therapy for Highly Sensitive Pe...
Executive Coach

Marisa Lago de Carvalho

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EUR 60.00 /hour
Executive Coach
Life Coach
Career Coach
+1 more


2 yrs of experience

I love Life, People, to share and always learn.  Waking up each morning and breathing, is an opportunity given to us, that I never forget. What we choose to do next depends on us first, and only after on others...