Uplevel Your Career

Coaching Package

  • 3 Months Coaching Agreement
  • Uplevel Your Career Package
  • 1:1 Coaching - 55 Minutes
  • Uplevel Your Career Workbook
  • Working Sessions
  • Laser Focus Sessions
  • Strategy Session
  • VIP Workshop
  • Unlimited Online Responses
  • Tech Career Video Courses
  • Group Coaching
Offered by:

USD 3,000.00

Deep dive on what holds you back. Practice tactics & strategies to see how they work for you. Design and implement SMART goals using the tactics and strategies that are most useful to you.

  1. Articulate the bottlenecks that keep you from your desired career purpose, values, & goals.
  2. Develop leadership tools & habits that remove bottlenecks & support you as a confident leader.
  3. Bring your new tools & habits into more messy, difficult, & complex situations.
  4. Iteratively implement & refine your leadership habits until they become 2nd nature.
  5. Plan & execute your remaining SMART goals to have the career you want. 


We'll partner through a mix of 1:1 and group activities alongside written materials, videos, and progress tracking.