Extended Stay - 24 Coaching Sessions

Coaching Package

  • 6 Months Coaching Agreement
  • The Everyday Entrepreneur - Apply the Triple Threat of Ambition, Confidence and Conviction for Suceess on Your Own Terms
  • Extended Stay - 24 Coaching Sessions
  • Online Course - Basement to Boardroom: Planning Your Exit From Day One
Offered by:
Rob Basso

USD 12,000.00

Extended Stay is intended to work with a client for 6 months on a myriad of goals, challenges or items  that the client wishes to achieve.  Many goals take more time, energy and effort and extend for a longer period of time beacause of current family, work or other demands.  Additionally, the goals or challenges may simply require more time because they are more difficult.  We will work together to break down, shift, move and mold the goals to reflect what you want to accomplish. You also get a copy of my book and my online course.